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Holiday Schedules
Please be advised that our schedules are subject to change on holidays. The below schedule is for the 45, 47 and 49 routes. All other services operate as scheduled 365 days per year.
Holiday | Schedule Operated |
New Years Day | No Service |
Day after New Years | Modified Schedule |
Martin Luther King Day | Modified Weekday View Schedule |
President's Day | Modified Schedule |
Memorial Day | No Service |
Independence Day | No Service |
Labor Day | Modified Schedule |
Columbus Day | Modified Weekday |
Thanksgiving Day | No Service |
Christmas Eve |
Modified Schedule |
Christmas Day | No Service |
Day after Christmas | Modified Schedule |
New Year's Eve |
Modified Schedule |
On other weekday holidays or weekdays immediately before or after a major holiday, special schedules or schedule adjustments will apply, in accordance with public notice posted in buses and terminals or distributed.